Azimuth Zero
Azimuth Zero is the name of the coordinate that indicates North on a compass and is also the name of the initial formation of Zome. This first training consists of 11 modules where the main topics that will serve as a basis for those who are starting their journey in the real estate market and for those who are already familiar with the business, his is a great opportunity to stay abreast of the methodologies applied at Zome.
Start-up Academy
A 4-month Academy where Consultants are helped to gain routines and habits of business development. Topics such as "generating contacts, "database", "prospecting", "marketing", "buyers", "negotiation and sales process" are covered. The Start-up Academy is a methodology created and registered by Zome.
How do we make our consultants even more productive? With Lift, an advanced program designed to raise productivity levels. Consultants have access to new tools and specialised training to help them grow their business.
With our people's career development in mind, we also developed T4 - an exclusive Zone model to help Consultants create their own teams. Here they can strengthen their management and leadership skills.
Evolution Academy
To prepare all the elements of the STAFF, standardize and systematize their tasks, we have also developed a set of specific trainings for each function.
The STAFF members of our hubs thus enter a personal and career development plan, with the main goal of enhancing their skills as leaders.